How to dispose of our packaging

Firstly, we encourage you to re-use any of our packaging. Some ideas are to use the products tags and cards as bookmarks, boxes as storage and organisers. Get creative! Once you have finished, dispose with the below method.


Place the below items in your curb-side recycling bin.

1) Stickers
2) Product tags and cards
3) Wrapping tissue paper
4) Mailing boxes


1) Place the compostable mailer, including the compostable shipping label in your home compost and it will break down into fertilizers for your garden in only 3-4 months! Alternatively, some councils also provide compost bins, or you can find one through

If the compostable mailer ends up in landfill, it will still break down, however the process will take a number of years. Therefore, we encourage you to always compost in compost bins.